Yes! We did it. Me, Vanessa, Ian and Robbie made it to Peggys Cove, Nova Scotia. This is a very small and pretty town right across the Atlantic Ocean. It's 45 km away from Halifax. This picture has a very special coast-to-coast meaning for Ian and Robbie who started the roadtrip from British-Columbia 18 days ealier, on July 4th.
For me, the roadtrip was shorter. I sarted from Toronto and stopped in Montréal, Québec City, Fredericton, Charlottetown and Halifax. We're in Moncton right now, on our way back.
Here are my highlights of the roadtrip so far.
First of all, Québec City is really nice! I only live two hours away from that city and I should definitely go more often there.
Halifax is really nice! Honestly, before that trip, I only knew the name of that city because we had to memorize the capital of each province in high school. Halifax is just a really good-looking place. There are a lot of trees in the streets, a few buildings downtown, two nice bridges that connect to another city called Dartmouth and a lot of parks. The biggest one is the Point Pleasant Park. Halifax is kind of a peninsula and that park is at the end of it. It's a very nice walk along the water. Here's a nice shot of Vanessa on a statue along that walk.
Another nice moment during that trip was when we crossed the Confederation Bridge to go on Prince Edward Island (that was before Halifax). This construction is just huge! It's 13 km long and it's also pretty high. Here's a picture I took with my camera on the car looking behind when we were on the bridge.
We went back on the continent the day after by taking a ferry that brought us in Nova Scotia (the ride is 1 hour 15 minutes long).
My last highlight would be the people in the Maritimes. They are just very welcoming and nice with us. Apparently they have an accent ... but who am I with my French accent??
We have such a large and diversified country. I'm really glad I had the chance to visit many different parts of it this year.
I'm thrilled you had the chance to see so much of this wonderful country! Ça doit faire bizarre d'être de retour à la maison après tout ce temps...à moins que tu ne sois pas encore revenu de tes voyages? :P