Back to our new Katimavik house in Matane, Nikki's mother and grandmother are visiting us for the week-end. Nikki is a participant in my group and she lives in Newfoundland. For your information, yes, we do a lot of Newfie jokes in our group! Anyway, her family is in town and yesterday night, they cooked us some Newfie meals. We ate pea soup with salt beef, Jig's dinner, salt cod and partridgeberry jam tarts for dessert. It was delightful!
The food was awesome but there was a lot of dishes! Guess what, it was my dishes night! Reza was the other slave with me. Reza is a good friend in my group. He lives in Toronto and we are two guys who like to laugh and to do jokes. So, after at least 30 minutes of hard work in the kitchen, we were tired and we decided to hide the dirty dishes left instead of washing it.
So, we finally left the house and we went to a bar to watch the end of the Montreal Canadiens hockey game. I don't know why I'm still watching that bunch of chokers playing hockey. Anyway, let's be honest, it was a good game.
When we were gone, Julie, our new Katimavik Project Leader found our dirty dishes. As she said: "I had two choices: giving you a verbal warning or answering with revenge."
When we went back home, ALL the dishes mysteriously disappeard from the kitchen. Julie welcomed us with a big smile and only let us know that if we're looking for something, it's outside the house.
Yes, we went outside, under the rain. Guess what we found behind the shed...
We brought all the freaking dishes back in the kitchen. Some plates and glasses got dirty because of the rain. To reorganize all that mess probably took us an hour. (We also had to wash what we didn't wash earlier that night).
Next week, Reza and I are the house managers! That means that we don't work and we stay in the house with our friend Julie. We warned her: the game is on!
There's a moral behind that story. There's always a moral with me! Our group arrived in Matane more than one week ago. The transition was hard for me and for everyone. My answer to those tough moments was isolation. I spent a lot of time alone in my room. Our group was not a group anymore for the last days. Robbie warned us in Castlegar: "A rotation can be very devastating." Those pranks make everyone (including ourselves) smile. I think this has an important impact. After a challenging week, our group is coming back together. Also, Julie is now a part of us! Our new Katima-house is slowly becoming our Katima-home.